Latvia (capital city Riga) has been becoming more and more dog friendly.

We would like to share few of the places we think are ones to GO TO as for locals and for those travelling through.
- Shopping mall Domina - they allow to enter mall with ANY SIZE DOGS! And each shop/cafe has a green or red sticker on the doors, symbolising if the dogs can enter the particular place. It's a great opportunity to do some shopping and dining with your four legged furry baby.
- Beaches - there has been a lot of restrictions, but recently those have been lifted, giving a chance to enjoy waves and sands to doggos as well. In Riga, everyone can go to beach with their dog, but it needs to be on the leash. And as far for regions outside Riga, it depends on region itself but for example Saulkrasti local government has made it dog friendly, by allowing to be with dogs in every beach there is, while Jurmala still doesn't approve dogs to be on the beach, cause of lot of tourists and locals during summer on the beach. We would advise to check the regions restrictions and rules online before going there in advance.
- this is place to go to check all the dog friendly restaurants and cafes. Great job done guys. Woop woop.